
Chicken Pakora

  • Chicken - ½ Kg (boneless preferred)
  • Corn flour - 100g
  • Custard powder - 100g
  • Chilli powder - 1 tsp
  • Elaichi powder - 1 tsp
  • Cloves - 1 tsp
  • Salt
  • Oil

  • Semi liquid paste of corn flour and custard powder is made by adding water and salt, chilli and elaichi clove powder are added to taste.
  • The chicken pieces are mixed with the semi liquid paste and kept aside for 30 mts.
  • Fry the pieces in oil

Your crispy and delicious chicken pakoda is ready.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sheba, This is Lisa (Jegan's Team Lead). I am off to the market to buy ingredients for Potato Subzi and Chicken Tikka! Thank you for sharing your wonderful culture and love of food. I was telling Joe about your blog and he asked me to send the link, which I did. My sister in Arizona is also excited about venturing into Indian cooking! Let me know if you ever want any American dishes - I would be happy to share. Peace and Love in Your Kitchen!

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